At Civitas Technology we believe in the power of technology for good. We're an IT service provider dedicated to supporting the Nonprofit sector. Our primary mission is to empower organisations to make a meaningful impact in their communities by harnessing the full potential of technology.

Core Services

Azure Cloud Services

Leverage the flexibility and scalability of Azure cloud services to drive innovation within your organization

Microsoft 365 Premium

Unlock the capabilities of Microsoft 365 Premium to enhance your productivity, collaboration, and data security.


Harnessing technology to drive collaboration, unite people, amplify impact, and deliver innovation for stronger community support

GDPR Compliance

Unlock the capabilities of Microsoft 365 Premium to enhance your productivity, collaboration, and data security.


Empower your staff with continuous training and resources to boost their IT knowledge and efficiency

Zero Trust Cybersecurity

Leverage the flexibility and scalability of Azure cloud services to drive innovation within your organization